Somewhere In The Middle Of The Pandemic We Bought A Lot
Does anyone remember 2020?
That will be the year no one will ever forget, I don’t think!

I remember that spring break our family went to St Croix for a vacation! We were somewhat concerned about what was going on with all the talk on the news of “everything shutting down”. Which we thought was absurd at the time. So we didn’t postpone our vacation and we went. But on the way home we were required to wear masks on our flight and it went down hill from there!
2020 just kept coming!

My oldest daughter Macy got engaged and we planned an entire wedding and had the wedding in December of 2020 and filled a beautiful chapel with all our family and friends!

My second daughter Kali, had to come home from college and do distant learning. However, she did start an online jewelry business during that time that was successful and gave her lots of extra spending money for the next several years!
What else happened in 2020 for the Dennis Family?
We bought a lot in Broken Bow to build a cabin on!
I already told you about how we even came across Broken Bow in my previous post, Another Door Opens. There is where we fell in love with the area and decided this is where we wanted our vacation home to be.
Dusty had scouted the area, walked the land and looked for the perfect spot for us! We had a few things that we wanted in our vacation home location! The key there is location, location, location! We love the water so we wanted it as close to the water as possible. We like to eat out and have all the amenities, so it had to be close to town. We live out on a ranch on more than 400 hundred acres so we didn’t want to have neighbors super close, but we did like the neighborhood feel! So those were just a few things we were considering when looking for a lot to buy.
When I say Dusty scouted the area, walked the land and looked for the perfect spot, I’m not kidding! He will walk fences, he will hike up hills, he will drive around until he finds an area he loves and then he will figure out who’s selling and what’s available to buy. He had found a “For Sale” sign that had fallen off a fence and was covered up with brush when he was out walking. So he brushed it off and gave the phone number a ring that was listed on the sign.
The gentleman on the other end of the phone told him, all the lots had been sold and that was an old sign. Dusty continued talking to the guy telling him how he loved the location, told him seemed like the lots were large and he had wished he knew he was selling lots off earlier when some were available. By the end of the conversation the gentleman said his sister had bought the last lot and she might be willing to sell. We got her phone number and Dusty called her.
The gentleman’s sister told how she had already gotten a loan at the bank to start a cabin, she had already picked out a cabin plan that she was going to build and she really wasn’t interested in selling her lot to us. However, by the end of that conversation, the sister told Dusty that she would talk it over with her husband and they would get back to us.
Before the night was over, the sister had called back and gave her price and we bought the lot!
This lot in Hidden Hollow Estates on Carson Creek Road is now The Dennis Place!

We were so excited!
So after all the paperwork was finalized, we got started right away finding someone to build our cabin at The Dennis Place in Hochatown!
The general contractor we hired started with bulldozing us a driveway, so we could get up to our lot to see where we wanted to place our cabin.
We all went and spent a weekend seeing where our driveway was placed, we started dreaming our the placement of the cabin and making plans to make this our next vacation home for our whole family!

Follow along with me on this journey as we share The Dennis Place with you!